EU-SCAR: Two narratives in a world of scarcities
Erik Mathijs
UNCTAD: How to cope with largely dysfunctional market signals for sustainable agriculture?
Ulrich Hofmann
UN: How the IAASTD helped shape the SDGs
Michael Bergöö & Mayumi Ridenhour
UNEP: Recasting agriculture in a resource-smart food systems landscape
Jacqueline McGlade
IPES-Food: From uniformity to diversity
Emile A. Frison
TEEB AgriFood: “It’s the economy, stupid!”
Alexander Müller & Nadine Azzu
UNDROP: The UN declaration on the rights of peasants and other people working in rural areas
María E. Fernandez
IPBES: Agriculture and biodiversity
Kate Brauman & Bob Watson
Agrimonde-Terra: Land use and food security in 2050. A narrow road
Marie de Lattre-Gasquet
Lancet Commission: The agriculture and health nexus: a decade of paradigm progress but patchy policy actions
Boyd Swinburn
FAO Report on Agroecology: Agroecological approaches and other innovations
Alexander Wezel
IPCC Climate and Land: The contribution of the IPCC to a change of paradigm in agriculture and food systems
Marta G. Rivera-Ferre
Global Alliance for the Future of Food & and Biovision: Beacons of hope
Lauren Baker, Barbara Gemmill-Herren, Fabio Leippert